Monday, July 13, 2009

Rihanna Has Inspired Me... cut my hair! .... Yes, I think it's about that time again.... and okay, I know I'm the worst blogger EVER, I know I know.. but I've been crazy busy! I'm getting ready to leave my lovely Florida and move allll the way across the Atlantic.. to Italia!! Yes, I'm super excited but also immensely sad because I have definitely fallen for Florida... I don't know if I will be able to get stationed here again or if I will move back here on my own. (I can do it much bigger on my military salary in Texas!) But at the same time, Florida definitely feels like home for me... Anyway, I came on to post a few hairstyles to see which ones you all think are the most BELLISIMA, which is italian for beautiful.... so I need some feedback! Let me know because I'm changing it up in just 3 short weeks!!

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