Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

So I FINALLY got my car people, and MAN it makes life so much easier, because you have no choice but to drive everywhere over here!! I haven't had much time to get out and explore like I would, but that's a-comin'!! It'll give me something to look forward to everyday... and more opportunities to work on my italian (knowing a little Spanish definitely helps, shout out to mi boricuas y chicanos!!!)

Unfortunately the road signs aren't properly posted here in Italy, they're either non-existent or on the side of some n=building, all small and never illuminated!!! SO I had to invest in a GPS system right away... in the midst of trying to pay off all bills... anyway, it took me a minute to decide if I wanted a Garmin or a TomTom, but I went with the cheaper one (Garmin) and so far, so good...

Tonight is HALLOWEEN, and I'm going to my first Halloween party!!

I've been making friends with a few of the ladies out here, they all right... I haven't found that chic that I know Ima click with yet, but even still, things are looking up for the homegirl.. now if I can just fast forward through time to the year 2012?? (When I leave this place) ...I'd be in the game!! =)

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I have arrived to Naples, Italy my beloveds!! The food, the culture.... I shall "grow where I've been planted" and explore, explore, explore!! I have to admit though, that I am not as taken with Naples as I thought I would be.. but the country on the other hand, is still VERY lovely and I look forward to enjoying all that it has to offer... I have been to Vatican City and I will go to Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast in the am... Wish me luck on my journey here and God Bless you all... Happy Birthday to all my Libras out there too, I love you guys!!!!