Thursday, July 31, 2008


(Sigh) Can't live with them.. can't live without them... what's a girl to do???

I'm TIRED of the drama, the arguments, the lies, the disrespect, and the PAIN that comes with trying to have something with someone. Being in a relationship is too much work!! Try as I might!! I've been choosing the wrong one is my problem... I'm going to take a break from the madness and just chill out for awhile. Besides I'm in a transition phase right now where I'm about to embark on a new journey... I'm leaving the career that I've been in for the past 10 years.... I'm moving to Dallas.. (maybe, still fishin' for the perfect city, holla at me Dallasites, ex Dallasites or Dallas-frequenters!) .. and just get on with my life... the stagnation is really bad for my health. When I hurt, it takes a toll on my body! I can't have anybody doing me like that, especially a man who won't recognize my worth!!!! ... I'm going to continue to hold my head high.. I'm not gon' cry like Mary, says y'all...

(Sighing Again) I'll be back later with something enjoyable next time.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Shopping Online...To Make Myself Feel Better.

I just wanted to give you all a taste of some things that I liked while doing some online browsing... Unfortunately I have to put shopping on hold for a minute while I work out my plans, more on that later... but in the meantime check out some of my faves from the latest collections! The pieces shown here are from Radcliffe, Betsey Johnson, Tavernito So and Just Cavalli... I found all these pretty things on! Enjoy!

Family...... We Can't Choose 'Em Unfortunately...

Everyone I know has some skeletons in the closet, just embarrassing and shameful secrets associated with their family members or themselves... Without disclosing any personal information, I'm just going to say that in my family, just because you're related, it doesn't mean that you'll be treated as such.... I think that the perpetrator will do something to you because they know they can get away with more since you're related... it's a sad situation.

But there have been instances where that didn't matter too much other. Teeth have been knocked out, guns have been put to heads, lives threatened... cousins have came to other cousins houses and jumped each others families.... my family is WILD.

Needless to say, I wasn't brought up in a close-knit family unit.... but I definitely plan on creating one of my own when the time comes... I try not to get upset when things happen that make us grow farther apart.... because it's not like we aren't already...

I haven't been home in over a year and I don't want to go home for another one, at the least! But what can you do except pray about it? I've been invited to bible study on Wednesday... I think I'm going to go...

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Sometimes people have to learn things the hard way in order to appreciate what cards you may get dealt in life... I myself have fell victim to this a time or two.. (or maybe three, lol!) but thankfully I'm not hard-headed!

I always try to take a lesson form any experience that I have, good or bad. I'm on a constant search for wisdom and knowledge, on both things that I can apply to my day-to-day as well as for personal enrichment...

And so this morning I just want to express my appreciation for all of the little things... when times are hard, try to think of how much worse they can be and also how you got into the predicament you did in the first place so that you won't return to it....

Peace and Blessings, y'all.....

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Re-Discovering the Goddess Within...

Hello Ladies! I thought I'd cover a topic that was my inspiration for starting a blog in the first place... to help myself and all my other sisters out there re-discover the goddess within!

Most of us spend so much time worrying and struggling with day to day activities that we don't spend enough time nurturing what actually sustains us! I'm talking about those gut feelings, that woman's intuition that we all too often ignore...

I believe (and this has worked for me personally or else I wouldn't be sharing this) that the "ME" time... taking space to either pray, meditate, stretch, read, enjoy a hobby, or whatever it is that makes YOU happy, while listening to soothing music with no words, or even just plain peace and quiet.... can help your physical align with that mental and emotional being that is within us!

Now it's been a loooong and continuous process for me, I've been through quite a few ups and downs, especially within the past 5 years that have ultimately given me the opportunity to have a new perspective on life and grow... Obviously I'm being positive by taking the lemons I was dealt and making lemonade, but I had to learn lesson after lesson and what I did was I went over what actually made me happy...

I've always been a strong-willed person and a leader so I stopped spending so much time trying to be trendy, blowing my little paychecks and doing other things I enjoyed that weren't beneficial to me at all..

I never put half that effort into things that would help me to become a better woman.

So I started using my brain and my heart, and listening to the things that were in abundance inside of me. The voice that is with you all the time and that carry you up and over and through whenever and wherever you are!

My message to you is to get to know what it's about and make sure it's in step with what you want to unfold on the outside; that which you can't choose but have to learn to appreciate and love...

The activities I mentioned above during my "ME" time all help me to get in tune. I make sure that I take time out for them everyday in some small or large way. And I just want to strongly encourage you all to try and get there with me... Peace and Blessings.

So please join me on this quest by adding what it is that you do to get closer to your inner goddess!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Hello World!! I'm Saqqara Soliel, thanks for stopping by... I started this blog to inspire and uplift all my ladies out there, and also to vent and get feedback for when I'm not feeling inspirational because we all have our days, right? So. Bear with me as I create a place that you all are welcome to come and visit and stay for as long as you like....